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Msg  2855 of 2861  at  10/24/2012 10:41:36 PM  by


 In response to msg 2854 by  steveIPO
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Re: found a new one to look at

 SRPT has been a wild ride--GSX-- liked it because of  two shots to win--Utah and California,utah is not much more than a slow drip,not a gusher,while cali was a dry hole,so I got out at 20 cents,needed the tax loss,too. I think they are getting low on funds,so will probably float some more around ten cents--also expect some tax loss selling going into yearend.GSX does have lots of natgas if there is a cold winter.While it could certainly rise again,I think it is in show-me mode for investors. I am trying to go more quality myself but can't resist playing around with some of these little specs. I never mentioned ZDEXF,a california oil,bought at 3-4 cents this summer,now ten cents.zodiac exploration.
OEDV-I missed the letter,glad you mentioned it,I think it is in response to the plunging stock price. I picked up 100 more at .65 or so yesterday. My understanding is there is oil there but how big the field is and how productive is still being tested.Should be near spring before news,add in tax selling,could be cheap by end of year. I may round up to a 1000 shares if it gets to 50 cents or less.
SEH--happy news today--merged with POL--I made 2 grand!! on 500 shares bought at 4.50 and 3.50,sold today for 8.38-part of the SPAR SKY STLY SEH basket of little beaten down companies I have. The other 3 are still cheap.
V VISA--remember when it was an ipo and trading for 44? it has tripled since then.I remember thinking I could make faster and greater money elsewhere.Looking back now,what a great and safe investment visa would have been.

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